Data solutions to help businesses
achieve a competitive edge

At Auradigm, we are on a mission to delight our clients with the results that go beyond convention.

We help you with:

  Data Efficiency program to help you save costs and build the right data foundations for your AI initiatives

  Data strategy that is focused on delivering better experience and services for your customers

  Modern customer hub that integrates online and offline customer identities, customer transactions, and behavior data

  Process and tools to rapidly unearth the value of new data sources

What We Do

Getting the real value out of data can be complicated, but we’ve seen it all before and can help you achieve the innovation-driven growth you always wanted.

Who We Help?

Our unique platform helps organizations transform the way they use data. If you use multiple tools for visualization and analytics, you will benefit from “”.

Why Choose Us

We are passionate about building simple solutions to complex business problems. We achieve this by applying Design Thinking to the entire life cycle of enterprise data.

Our Story

Auradigm Corporation was born out of a strong desire to help organizations that want to get better and smarter with data. While organizations realize that the key to success is in unlocking the value of data, they struggle to achieve the goals and objectives.

Companies try different tactics including:

  Acquiring new tools
  Experimenting with organization structures
  Switching to agile development methodology for data
  Moving data to the cloud, and
  Trying to hire unicorn data scientists

While these activities may solve some problem spaces, rarely help the business attain the stated purposes of embarking on the data analytics journey.

We bring a new paradigm to how businesses can efficiently and effectively harness the value of data using your existing tools and talent.

Get better and smarter with data using our revolutionary platform .